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The alcohol distraction..



The alcohol distraction, related to people’s visions.

The successful people
They usually don’t care about alcohol as they are disciplined and committed to their own vision. The top elite, athletes, entrepreneurs, high achievers, CEO’s.. mostly don’t have the desire to implement ‘alcohol habits’ in their life; they liked to be clear minded to be consistent in what they do. They don’t fall into the so called “benefits”; alcohol would only interfere within their optimal performance. They also know how alcohol would give them things that don’t matter to them, those things aren’t real. Many of them would have a few drinks occasionally or during dinners, but this wont dilute or disrupt their direction in life (vision). Also notice how visionaries perceive their flow differently compared to average people. For instance, during weekends or holidays: what do you mean weekends or holidays? They have STUFF TO DO within their strong flow states. Of course they would appreciate an healthy distraction such as a ski holiday or the socializing with a drink.. but relaxation is the thing that would make them bored very quickly.. like facing an empty wall. They need to move, they need creativity, they need focus as a flow state leading to success. As they manage to attract waves of opportunities, why would they even like to distract from it? Successful people find their path of purpose, they don’t want any alcohol to cope with any discomforts and they certainly don’t have the time for any drama. Finally, to avoid any misperceptions about the successful people who love alcohol.. those have usually build their businesses before their many alcohol habits become apparent into their life’s. They can now easily “afford” to waste 30% of their time & energy because their vision (and path) has already been set and taken. Many successful people could die instantly while there business would still operating successfully (think about famous popstars where money still comes in after they died). We need to see it from a true perspective: did any alcohol really supported them to their success? Or do we just like to envy those successful people who are “confident with a drink”, by our pair of pink glasses? The truth is that alcohol eventually slowed them down over time to attract less! This is about a drug which moves in an opposite direction to any vision. 

The average people
Many people are highjacked by society as a system with responsibilities to survive; busy jobs to pay the bills, raising the kids, struggling to find peace, freedom & relaxations. Moderating any alcohol habits becomes attractive as our society promotes alcohol 24/7  as a “benefit” (it doesn’t matter weather its 7 glasses on Friday evening or 2 glasses daily) . Many people move into dependency very slowly, while being completely in denial of a drug; as long as the alcohol is within reach life appears to be fine. This is where so many people loose their spirit furthermore to keep living bigger dreams. It’s far easier to escape the discomforts, instead of (re) building a life to impact (as this would require some suffer, discipline and consistency). Why would people choose a more difficult & unknown path, if the alcohol (the known path) can “benefit” as a distraction to feel comfortable enough? Any pain of their current situation doesn’t outweigh the pain of not being where they want to be. The price they pay though, is to underperform in many areas of their life, while making the alcohol industry & government very rich.

The people who are “alcoholic”
They are mostly get killed by alcohol sooner or later, as they are not only mentally dependent but also physically addicted to a dangerous poison. Only professional medical care should apply to them to try saving their life’s. However, this small group of people only represent 0,1% of the story, on how alcohol is impacting/harming society, it doesn’t even make sense to focus on the extreme disasters, when there is a much larger group of people who are missing out, towards opportunities & self-improvement.

The people who need vision
Sensitive people are more likely to be in need of life directions compared to others. This not a curse but actually a blessing. As they crave to high quality life, they get also more sensitive to symptoms such as boredom or anxiety, with related feelings of emptiness or nervosity. By the misaligned with themselves, they also become self centered or self conscious, forcing themselves to find answers from the within, which brings them more loneliness. The solution to cover everything up? Alcohol as a distraction! At least you get that instant happiness back, numbing those discomforts, catching up again with the flow. 

Alcohol proposes itself as a “very effective solution” to sensitive-talented-creative people who are desperately in need of a vision. Think about those talented people who needed to cope with life and died to young, such as Matthew Parry (actor series friends) or many of those artists such as Amy Winehouse or DJ Avicii. They got hit by the anxiety from an overwhelming life atmosphere, being anxious of whether they are able to keep performing, causing more stress and fatigue, where alcohol  proposed itself furthermore as the solution. The same applies when  people get too bored as they loose their ability to manifest themselves into the future through a direction to feel empty, like they are wasting their time and energy, for instance within repeating-robotic-slavery jobs. Think about how difficult it to propose a better direction to all of them; should we say to the successful artist: you are very successful to the public, but you are in the wrong business because of you became vulnerable to alcohol? It’s far easier to keep the solution in the toolbox to keep getting success isn’t it? And should we say to the bored person: just choose another company with the same kind of job? That doesn’t feel like a solution does it? People get stressed out as a symptom (crying for change) but they don’t recognize the need of another direction. They also feel that standing still is not even an option, because people are meant to move to order, otherwise entropy (chaos) kicks in; the ” only way out” is to distract themselves from any anxiety or boredom while coping with the fatigue that is added by the alcohol itself. Let’s keep celebrating success to forget, let’s stay in the loop of “false confidence” to keep moving the same known life paths, let’s feel the energy again (while their minds actually needs to recover all the time to reset to default).

As sensitive people get easily anxious or bored, it makes perfectly sense to entertain their minds with instant gratification (cheap dopamine). This is bad, because it tricks the mind to think they are making progress, while loosing the natural desire to pursue something better. They choose the alcohol to fill their voids, but alcohol will do everything it can, to make sure they get stuck in their voids, alcohol doesn’t solve anything, it only covers up. And the ones who feel anxious, will stress their body & minds furthermore as it they accumulate more poison. As the whole process goes faster than the average people, they are dealing with the most dangerous drug on the planet: alcohol brings them in a continuous state of mediocrity, just to feel fine (again) like the average people, except that become miserable over time, as they keep numbing their boredom or anxiety (instead of moving to an ideal flow state through the vision they need). Alcohol becomes a procrastination against their evolution as they get trapped in this weird place: they get into a constant state of anesthesia, moving further away from themselves, not being able of controlling their life to the direction they need. The drug will introduce more anxiety, less confidence, less clarity, less focus, less healthy conditions…  Over time, people will  have to deal with stronger emotions, more impulsivities, weaker choices/decisions.. which are all weak guidance’s to life. What they actually need is vision to move with strategy, through an ideal flow state to avoid the emotional mess.

So how about you?
Do you have sensitive super powers? Do you recognize the flaws that comes with it? Does your life includes weekly or daily alcohol habits? You should become aware of a narrow flow state, where anxiety or boredom may be the enemy holding you back in life! Why? Because you are need a strong vision to avoid uncertain directions. Secondly, because alcohol WILL work against your vision as you get older, usually after your 40-ties or 50-ties. because the repetition of any poison affects everyone over a long period of time. Basically there
are truly only two ways to approach this:

Choose moderation as an illusional distraction to a mediocre- low fulfilling- less successful life (as already proved to you). Just keep coping with your boredom or anxiety (with a drink of course) to create a “safe environment” , while building up more stress into your life (as alcohol being a poison). Then, numb that pain again with the same painkiller to continue the loop of an invisible prison that you are not even aware off.


Get curious, learn how alcohol is to be an powerful distraction, which holds you back to cultivate a powerful vision. You are mostly not even aware about the uncertainties to the direction you need. Some people are already in a bad place, hitting depression, overthinking as an effort to get rid of the uncertainties while latterly depleting all their mental resources with constant worries, by the feeling that they must know- and figure everything out now, without understanding the need of alignment with reality to develop a vision. They don’t realize that another direction is much more important than their speed to (re)gain happiness; they keep believing that any alcohol habits helps them “celebrate life”, while they should start working towards a vision as a radical changing direction to the unknown.

The importance of mental health
People should be motivated to maximize their mental health energy. Health, has more value than any money can buy: it’s the foundation to attract everything else in life. You first need to change your relation to alcohol to embrace spiritual health, to be able to empower your vision. This is where Merise comes in because you have no clue HOW. You first need to understand WHY the weird distraction of alcohol steals everything in life (such as your vision) and then learn HOW to get rid of it. Within a healthy state of mind, you will then find those answers towards a vision: Who am I? What do I like?  What do I believe? Which problems do I see? Where can I bring value to solve those problems? By re-alignment with who you are, you get to appreciate the reality as it is today, that allows you to move ‘ at your own speed’ to serve the world of tomorrow. This will result in a the ideal flow state, where you are about to think in terms of your own goals and how to achieve these within your own reach. People underestimate the need of a vision; they let society assign them with goals to believe in, to follow their (often poor) vision which moves them away from themselves! People need their own vision, to secure their own flow state.

Your vision WILL form, UNLESS alcohol is holding you back BLURRING your vision. Once you get to a vision, you WILL operate within a smooth flow state, as you move automatically through opportunities being attracted by your own vision. Everything you will do, every choice you will make, will be motivated by the  directions of what you say your vision is. The force of attraction will rise up by itself as you become a magnet from who you are and where your vision is guiding you through; you are moving at your own speed from the within.

Dishing any alcohol has many benefits. Your health gets better, your relationships improves, you sleep better, you become more productive, your decision-making gets better. But, here are the real benefits when you start cultivating a vision while leaving the alcohol aside:

You get more grounded to reality
You get to your true essence
You get more energy which makes you move, releasing the healthy brain chemicals
You find more gratitude as a frequency to attract
You get driven by what you love to do
You get to know what you believe
You identify problems that matters to you
By doing so, you get creative with solutions to those problems. which defines where you want to go, to become someone of value
You get the opportunity to develop your vision
You regain life control
through focus, while leaving distractions that doesn’t serve you AND others
You  start making the necessary steps in a certain direction to serve
You don’t
feel lonelily, as your state of mind brings you flow into our life
You stop pleasing others, you start
living authentically to please yourself, while offering value that resonates with others
You get extremely confident by your own beliefs
You are more likely to engage (connect) with people, as you offer your value to them

You don’t resist any alcohol, because there is no willpower involved to resist something you don’t like
You are gluing your reality towards a future reality
 you don’t have the desire to distract yourself, so your spirit can open up to a vision.
Your future is now awaiting to be attracted through faith, not fear.

The addictive energy that alcohol takes, is the same energy that can make someone become a genius or superstar. The difference is how life-energy is taken away through poison (alcohol), or being attracted through vision, it’s the direction. Ask successful people about the meaning of their vision, it’s their secret. They all get addicted to the power of their own beliefs and their focus, to attract a better reality.

Recognize how people get trapped in the past, to cope with build up anxieties to any discomforts, to keep moving by the flow of others. Everyone should choose their own direction from the within, to be able to express their authentically self. People should design a lifestyle to become excited about, to initiate an earthquake from within, moving like a tsunami into a very powerful direction, vision. (Video credit: Dr. Jordan B Peterson).

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