It's all mindset...
Your plan
Align yourself with truth; get a vision to create a life you don’t want to escape from. Build a life you love, to attract what you desire.
The approach
The usual approach is related to the addicts, by letting them to acknowledge .. for having some kind of “alcohol problem”. It is always related to people’s suffering. The second question would then be: how much would people need to suffer, to find any motivation to self improvement? This whole approach just doesn’t feel right. Any suffering shouldn’t be the motivator, pain or suffering gets worse through alcohol; it’s more of a consequence, not the cause. When we focus on pain, contradiction takes place in relation to alcohol, because: everyone suffers the longest as possible, as long as alcohol is always within reach to solve its own problem while making people happy, leading to denial of the suffering itself. This applies to any stages throughout dependencies; many people with alcohol habit s like to cope with discomforts while getting instant happiness – which has already some form of suffering in it (any form of dependencies affects freedom). Do they want to change? Of course not, alcohol solves its own problem and brings “happiness” at the same time. Some people may only reach out for a therapist once they loose their job or partner.. some others wait to get rock-bottom by absolutely destroying everything to figure out who they really are. So the third question would be: WHY should people need to loose MORE from life (more suffer), before getting motivated to make the change? The answer: because people are not aware of the illusional comfort, killing more dreams than failure ever will.
This leads to better questions, which have nothing to do with people, neither to people’s suffering. The best answers are to be found within the evolution of life itself. Question. How would you attract a better life? Answer: by cultivating a vision. When people would focus on how-to cultivate a vision, they would quick learn how everything around alcohol is holding them back from their spirit, to achieve something bigger than themselves. They soon recognize the false belief, by understanding how the effects of alcohol consumes their time & energy, causing misalignment with reality, eliminating the opportunity to create a better reality. Any alcohol habit has the exact opposite direction of cultivating a vision.
Unfortunately the usual approach is always focused on the pain side to shake people up, by letting them know they are suffering (like they are stupid human beings, not being aware of it). Pain is such a weak motivator to change, especially because alcohol empowers the belief to be the pain killer over decades. Most “experts” are trying to convince the people’s solution to their suffering, leading to more fear (suffer), so that alcohol even becomes even more valuable to resist. The mistake? Resisting alcohol doesn’t work long-term, willpower wont last forever and shame does more harm than good. The Merise approach, has only to do with the truth: alcohol doesn’t support any purpose or vision, it moves people away from it, while introducing more pain.
A new mindset
Your limited knowledge around alcohol, has the same limitation as if you were running a marathon with a broken ankle (except you would then have at least a direction to go to). You can’t even get a direction if alcohol is blurring your vision. Alcohol distorts reality, especially on longer term throughout dependency; it takes your time, energy, spirit, confidence, social connection, health, freedom. There are no benefits to serve reality itself, instead it steals reality and therefore any vision. The nature of the drug has is opposite direction; it slows down people to underperformance, denial, blame, excuses and hope.
Acknowledge that any alcohol discussion has nothing to do with your needs, except for the lack of knowledge on how alcohol moves you away from reality, let alone a reality you could wish for. Without proper direction, people become more vulnerable. Any alcohol does not help you to send the right energy from the within (such as confidence, discipline, peace, compassion, gratitude, meaning, value, etc). Instead, you attract the people who are likely to deal with a weak vision themselves; attraction works in both opposite directions: acknowledge the fact of a hard drug, to understand the need of another direction, vision.
Own the truth
Learn the truth around alcohol, to be able to get to yourself. Re-align with reality, (re) discover who you are, what you like, where you really want to go, to serve others and improve the world. Own the truth, so you become able to act on it.
Find the solution
Get the Merise vision to understand how alcohol steals your vision. Learn how leaving any alcohol habits has to create time, spirit & energy, so you can build on a vision to ATTRACT.
Get the tools to get rid of alcohol cravings, reprogram your subconscious mind. Adapt an early morning routine, to start working on your vision, to attract what you really need, which is a more fulfilling than most average people who have no clue on their directions.
Make it happen
Your goal is not to get sober, your goal is to find the underneath desire to get vision – and leaving alcohol is the best thing to do to pursue that desire. You then need to sit with your thoughts so you can catch an inkling of vision. Your vision clarity doesn’t all come at once, you first collect the little puzzle pieces until you start to see the image. If you implement an early morning routine without toxicity in your system, you will create the best settings to accomplish this, eliminating most of the distractions, such as your environment, that also used to consume your focus and attention (your current job, relation, kids). Your spirit needs air to figure out how you can become someone of value to others. Notice that 90% of the people who try to change their relation to alcohol, all believe they should avoid something they like, resisting their behavior with willpower. They don’t dive into the deep desire of getting any vision. What’s left then, is an even more miserable feeling of lack – the lack of alcohol AND the lack of direction. And what do people eventually do when they feel miserable? They drink, as the familiar path of least resistance. Your vision brings you a direction, your own flow state. The stronger the direction, the stronger you attract, the more fulfillment, the less you want to distract yourself from. This is exactly what successful people do: direction, flow, vision (alcohol is truly only a major distraction if you can see through it).
Your plan is a proven concept.
Most successful people attract, by offering value they found within themselves. When that happens, they don’t have any desire to waste their time by useless distractions. This even applies to “problem drinkers” who became alcohol experts, as they became excellent writers, coaches, etc. They found purpose & vision to help others, eliminating any conflict to their old alcohol belief system; they found direction, to help others towards self-improvement. But luckily, a vision is a general thing to solve any kind of problem that will exist everywhere. So get the one vision, that is waiting for you!
When you were a kid at school, your flow state (vision) was mostly given to you; your parents & school schedule gave you ‘ their’ directions, with homework to do to get good grades without any alcohol habits involved. You had time to relax and sit back, to learn about what the teachers had to say. But once you got older, you were supposed to grow furthermore from the within to your own directions. You got challenged to get your own flow state – and in between – you also learned how life could be more comfortable with a drink. Now, start criticizing alcohol again from the start, because what we learned about alcohol… is mostly false.
Stop the conditioning first
To find & cultivate a strong vision you need the highest spiritual energy. Alcohol doesn’t provide that, it only distracts you to fantasyland. You need to get rid of the false alcohol belief that is happening in the subconscious mind. But your subconscious mind.. is also a very powerful thing: it regulates 90% of our learned behaviors to use the lowest brain energy possible… such as ‘ drinking alcohol’. The subconscious mind even controls how people breathe (and it’s impossible for people to stop breathing). People often think that changing any relation to alcohol is all about conscious choices to temper the damage, but the best experts all know this is a lie. First of all: our consciousness has only 10% power which consumes LOTS of energy, especially when we resist behaviors/habit to the things we like: eventually, the energy of resisting something will burn out (like the energy of a muscle), so people WILL get back to drinking again to continue their subconscious low energy programming, moderating themselves to dependency, which holds them back again to align with themselves to the core needs of a vision. Secondly, alcohol interferes with our brains towards dependency and even addiction, because it’s a hard drug. Normal ‘ drug users’ won’t agree, everyone gets in denial of course do defend their drug, because they mostly don’t identify it as a problem. However, TRUTH is here to be uncovered.
Build a life you don’t feel the need to escape/distract from: build momentum through a morning routine to cultivate your vision.
As you stop the conditional habits of drinking, you’ll get huge amounts of time, spirit and energy that alcohol used to take unnoticeably. Even if you repeated alcohol with low quantities at a time, you are constantly messing with your (rem) sleep over a longer period, which is crucial as the negative effects are building up. The quality of sleep alone will already make a huge impact to wake up in the early mornings, energized with clarity.
You implement those wins into an early morning routine to use your time and energy more efficiently. For instance: If you used to wake up at 7, you are now waking up at 5, easily without any alarm. As you win 2 hours per day, you win 14 hours a week. That’s almost 2 working days a week which is as an increase of 30% of spiritual power to align within the present moment. The morning doesn’t care about yesterday or tomorrow, there is no anxiety or boredom holding you back, you get to focus on the day yet to come without any distraction. Change your biological rhythm to feel concentrated, emotionally calm, to observe your thoughts, feelings and sensations with clarity and without any judgement. Your spirit will propose new ideas with meaning to serve. The early morning has a meditative effect, you will feel more serene during the day. As you start the day mentally rested, calm and energized, you will attract more opportunities that meets your vision. This also leads to equanimity; a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by the experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause people to lose the balance of their mind.
Understand the power of transformation: if you keep repeating a poison through habits, it will bring more anxiety to new discomforts. Evolution wants the exact opposite; a direction moving to order, eliminating uncertainties. Direction is key; cultivate a powerful vision to move in an opposite direction to attract!