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Reflect on yourself..


You mirror is your measuring device, to keep controlling your state of mind. Here is how:
1. Understand the power of the subconscious mind
2. Recognize the feeling of lack
3. Break the auto pilot program by changing the environment, this is conscious decision to calm your mind
4. Embrace your thoughts, ask the right questions.
5. Always reflect the truth to the implications of the Matrix.
6. Let go of the past, have faith to the future.

Understand the power of the sub unconscious mind.
Let’s say 90% of what you do is programmed in the subconscious mind, saving brain energy. It controls how you walk without  even thinking about it. The same applies when you brush your teeth and yes – also how you behave towards a drink. And because your mind has been conditioned for decades by a false belief, you can’t just turn of this autopilot by a conscious mind decision. The only way is to reach your sub conscious mind by changing your values & beliefs slowly, based on new information (new knowledge) & experiences (that proves the new knowledge as confirmation bias).


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