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It’s a system…

The Matrix is a system, Neo

Alcohol is a belief system, not a character.
Some experts introduces a character into the story to explain human interaction with alcohol. This is a challenging, because peoples have zillions of reasons that alcohol benefits! It’s much easier to explain alcohol as a separate belief system without the people involved. The belief system itself has no emotions, it doesn’t live, it’s not a life form, it has no power without people involved. Peoples only come into play.. when they start to interact with that belief system. Example: expert ‘Leon Sylvestre’ (known as sober Leon on Youtube)’ once explained how you could see alcohol as your best friend who lives in your home (you have invited him to live with you). Suddenly you start to miss objects in your house (your TV remote control, a pair of socks, some dishes). You then find out that your friend (referring to alcohol) is actually stealing those things (such as your health, energy, etc.). What Leon tries to expose is not someone who wants to hurt you, but a false belief system which has been unconsciously programmed in your brains to accept your “friend alcohol” who is cheating on you. You can’t blame your friend (alcohol) because he doesn’t even want to hurt you on purpose. This is about you, believing in a system that actually steals from you, but only when you engage with it. Your friend is not the one to blame: you are the one who invited him in your home (you allow a drink coming in). Your friend only proposed itself (through marketing & social pressure), you only deal with a mistaken belief ‘to trust him’. So, alcohol on itself, can never be your enemy, it is only floating as chemical in a bottle of wine doing nothing. Everything around alcohol is a belief system and all your  behaviors towards “alcoholare driven from that belief (that is messing with your emotions).

The same applies to the evil clown (author: Graic beck). The evil clown is mentioned as a scary creature living in your head (asking for alcohol), which may imply the idea that some monster is at play who wants to hurt you. Truth is: the evil clown (alcohol) doesn’t want to hurt you proactively; his voices are only echo artifacts from your interactions with the system. The evil clown is your false belief speaking. You are not fighting against an enemy, friend, evil clown, or alcohol. There is no enemy, no fighting taking place, no one to blame either: there is only a conflict in your  belief system. So, the only thing people need to figure out is what they believe to be true about that system. Is it a good system? Should you interact with it? Is it designed to serve you? Do you understand its objective? Are you aware that the system is designed to condition a false belief? Are you aware of the unconscious program in your brains that makes you act like a robot, to save brain power? You never had an evil clown in your head, only a belief system being proposed as a temporary bubble, that distorts reality while bringing artifacts (which you can easily deny up to a life time). The only thing that matters is your interaction with that system by what you believe. All emotions are just side effect, by interacting with that system (such as fighting with the evil clown or blaming the friend you trusted). You are not the system. When you choose not to interact with the system (when you don’t trust your best friend in your own house), there would also be no one to steal from you. So you can easily remove your emotions aside and recognize alcohol not as an evil clown in your head, but an evil system outside yourself; it then becomes much easier to expose the system characteristics.


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